Let’s Get to Know About the Origin of the Following Tasyrik Day, See the Explanation and Detailed Description


BONSERNEWS.com – Tasyrik Day Is three days after Eid al-Adha (10 Dzulhijjah), namely on 11, 12, and 13 Dzulhijjah.

These three days are special in Islam, because at that time Muslims are allowed to slaughter sacrificial animals.

Then how is the naming of the origin of the tasyrik day?

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As previously mentioned, Tasyrik day is closely related to Eid al-Adha.

At that time, Muslims are forbidden to fast. The prohibition is in line with the implementation of the sacrifice itself.

Tasyrik or tasyriq in Arabic is the patron of the word masdar from “syarraqa” which means “the sun rises or sets something”.

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Tasyrik is also interpreted by facing east (towards the sun).

Sheikh Ibn Manzur (711 H) in his magnum opus Lisan al-Arab mentions that there are differences of opinion among the Ulama about the reasons for the differences in the naming of tasyrik.

The two opinions are as follows:

First, it is called tasyrik because that time is the day when Muslims dry their qurban meat to make jerky.

This opinion was based on the time of Rasulullah SAW, there was no cooling technology such as a refrigerator.

As a result, people at that time stored meat for a long time by drying it in the sun.