Pinhome and Nafas Indonesia Launch Air Quality Research Results in Several Areas in Jabodetabek

[ad_1] – Pinhome together with Nafas Indonesia held a market report launch event as well as a Property Academy webinar entitled, “Different residential locations, different air quality. How come?” on Wednesday, September 14 2022, online via the Zoom platform.

Reported at the launch of the market report, Pinhome’s Head of Agent Account Management Panca Satria emphasized that, “Hopefully, with this collaboration, the public can find out more about one of the factors that influence the selection of important housing, namely air quality. This market report is structured so that Pinhome can provide in-depth knowledge related to healthy residential locations, especially based on the air quality of the environment.”

Understanding the impact of air quality on everyday life is very important. Especially for residents who live in urban areas, where every day people are exposed to air pollution without them knowing it. One of the causes of this unawareness is the lack of data that can provide information related to providing information that can be accessed in an updated manner regarding the quality of the air we breathe everyday.

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Departing from this, Nafas and Pinhome are collaborating in increasing public awareness for a better livelihood by paying attention to the air quality around the residence. This is also done to provide education about air pollution, especially PM2.5 pollution.

PM2.5 itself is a threat to human health. PM2.5 is a combination of airborne solid particles measuring 2.5 microns which are produced by motor vehicle exhaust, factory smoke, cigarettes, and burning waste. In addition, PM2.5 is 1/100 the size of a hair strand and cannot be filtered by the human body.

PM2.5 pollution is harmful to the human body because the human body is unable to filter this pollutant where it can be trapped in the lungs. In fact, PM2.5 can enter the blood vessels and be distributed throughout the body. According to data from the 2013 KLHK, Dr. Budi Haryanto from the Faculty of Public Health, University of Indonesia, 60 percent of hospital patients in Jakarta suffer from diseases related to air pollution.

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PM2.5 pollution can cause various health problems such as premature birth, low birth weight, fetal development, asthma, slow lung development, developmental problems, coughing and shortness of breath, coronary heart disease, stroke, lung cancer, chronic bronchitis , diabetes, dementia, heart attack, heart failure, weak lungs. While WHO data shows that nine out of ten people breathe air full of pollutants. Air pollution is proven to inhibit brain growth and lower children’s IQ levels.

According to Databoks, Jabodetabek is in second place as the urban area with the largest population, reaching 34.5 million people. This high population is because the Jabodetabek area offers many complete facilities and wide-open career opportunities, making it a magnet for immigrants.

At the same time, the air quality in Jakarta has been quite low lately. WHO’s Air Pollution Index states that PM2.5 pollution in Jakarta reaches 39 µg/m³. This value is very high compared to the standard used by WHO in 2021 of 5 µg/m³.

Viewed from a sociological perspective, population growth has an impact on increasing air pollution in an area. At the same time, from a public health perspective, there are many factors that increase the amount of air pollution.

5 Jabodetabek Areas and Their Air Quality