Never ‘ease’ the word ‘ALHAMDULILLAH’, because there is a secret behind the word alhamdulillah in the Koran

[ad_1] – Revealed! it turns out that the secret behind the word Alhamdulillah in the Koran that Muslims must know.

Alhamdulillah is one of the words that is often spoken by Muslims.

Rasulullah Shallallahu alaihi wassallam taught his people to always say Alhamdulillah in various conditions, both when they get good things and bad things.

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However, what exactly is the secret behind the word Alhamdulillah in the Koran?

Alhamdulillah is a word that appears in Surah Al Fatihah on the first page of the Koran and is included in the tahmid sentence or a sentence that contains praise to Allah SWT.

Reporting from the book Shihab & Shihab Ramadhan Edition, it is explained that Alhamdulillah is formed from three words.

The first word is Al which means showing everything, then Hamdu which means praise, and Lillah which means to Allah SWT.

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So Alhamdulillah as a whole means ‘Praise be to Allah SWT’.

And often used as an expression of gratitude for the blessings that have been given by Allah SWT.